DOM – Days On Market in MLS

What is DOM on the TREND MLS listing?

Days on Market (DOM) quantifies the length of time a property has been actively marketed in the MLS.

DOM - Days On Market in MLS

The “DOM – Days On Market in MLS” is located towards the bottom of the property MLS page.

What is Active in the TREND MLS?

Once a property is published the DOM count starts and MLS Lists the property as “Active.”
The property is being actively marketed in the MLS and offers are being accepted.

The listing will now show on consumer websites likes,,,,,,, etc.

Active also means that the showings can be scheduled for the property and open houses happen.

Active Status MLS

The property’s status shows in the MLS, in this example “Active”

What if a property is set to “Active No Showing (A/N)”

If a property is set to “Active No Showing (A/N)” DOM will pause. That’s because technically, they’re not being marketed.
Listings in this status are not sent out to consumer websites and they cannot be shown through regular showing appointments or an Open House.

This only applies to the first 21 days the listing is marketed in the MLS. If a listing is set to A/N for any period of time beyond the first 21 days will continue to accumulate days on market.

Active-No Showings Status in MLS

The property’s status shows in the MLS, in this example “Active No Showings”

Happy shopping and selling! We hope this article on Days on Market (DOM) helps offer you some additional insight into the MLS!

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