Sellersville Borough Council has scheduled a public hearing to consider a proposed ordinance that would allow for residential rental property inspections in the borough. The ordinance would repeal Chapter 116 of the borough code, “Rental Property,” and replacing it with Ordinance No. 728, titled “Residential Rental Units — Licensing and Inspection.” According to Borough Manager […]
Author Archive | carle
Haycock Township supervisors passed a resolution opposing state legislation that would require the township to retain more than one third-party code enforcement agency. House Bill 349 is apparently driven by the needs of builders and developers to stay on schedule when a sole enforcement agency is not readily available. The resolution states that the bill […]
237 Acres in Haycock and East Rockhill – Agricultural Security Area
The former 237-acre Freedom Valley Girl Scouts property could become an Agricultural Security Area. Haycock Township supervisors recently acknowledged the receipt of an Agricultural Security Area (ASA) application from the new single-family owner of a former. About 149 acres of the property off Richlandtown Road lies in Haycock Township. The remaining 88 acres is in […]
Springfield Township: Maintain Your On-lot Septic System
Springfield Township’s PA Act 537 ordinance requires residents to pump their on-lot septic system once every three years. The township mailed reminder notices in December 2017 to approximately 500 households that are in violation of the ordinance. Some board members favor another warning notice, and others are “okay with just issuing citations to gain compliance,” […]
Richland Township Door-to-Door Soliciting
Richland Township Supervisors have directed the township solicitor to prepare a revised solicitation ordinance for review by the township’s ordinance review committee. Supervisor Chairman Tim Arnold reviewed some items he would like to see in the ordinance, including background checks for solicitors, a “no-knock registry,” and a change from the current allowed soliciting hours of […]

Tinicum: No Tax Increase for 2019
The Tinicum Township Board of Supervisors have adopted a no-tax increase budget for 2019. Tinicum real estate tax rate will remain at 8.5 mills, including 1.5 mills for fire protection, 0.5 mills for EMS, and 0.5 mills for open space preservation. Township Manager Teri Lewis pointed out that the Public Works Department made innovative vehicle […]
Bucks County Public Data Portal
Bucks County Commissioners recently unveiled a new data portal — a Bucks County GIS platform for exploring the data of the county and other data that may be important to residents, the business community and visitors to the county. The online portal is divided into three main sections: initiatives, interactive maps and exploring data. […]
Milford Village – Proposed Hub of Upper Bucks County Healthcare
The hub of Upper Bucks County Healthcare is shifting to Milford Township. Located on the Rt 663 corridor between Quakertown and Pennsburg, Milford Village is a a proposed mixed-use campus including St. Luke’s University Health Network, an expanded LifeQuest Nursing Center, retail and office space. The Milford Village site is currently under development at the […]
Sellersville Adopts International Property Maintenance Code
Sellersville officials want to ensure that residential and commercial buildings in the Upper Bucks borough are kept in good condition. With that in mind, borough council voted on March 12 to adopt the International Property Maintenance Code – a model code that regulates the minimum maintenance requirements for existing buildings, establishing standards for things such […]
Nockamixon Township Consider Groundwater Ordinance
The Bridgeton/Nockamixon/Tinicum Joint Groundwater Committee produced a new groundwater ordinance to be considered by Nockamixon Township. The Bridgeton/Nockamixon/Tinicum Joint Groundwater Committee was created through Ordinance 100 and is designed to establish thresholds that must be met to trigger various kinds of required testing when new wells are dug. Membership to the committee is open to municipalities within […]
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