Haycock Township supervisors passed a resolution opposing state legislation that would require the township to retain more than one third-party code enforcement agency.

House Bill 349 is apparently driven by the needs of builders and developers to stay on schedule when a sole enforcement agency is not readily available. The resolution states that the bill would “place cost, availability and popularity over experience, performance, and skill,” while “effectively removing our authority to administer and enforce the UCC [Uniform Construction Code].

The UCC allows the township to use either a municipal employee or a third-party agency for administration and enforcement. For the past 10 years, Haycock’s code enforcement needs have been served by an arrangement with neighboring Richland Township.

Haycock Supervisor Chair Kathy Babb said, “We weren’t having enough work to justify having even one agency.”
Source: Bucks County Herald; 5/9/2019

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