Act 319 in Bucks County – Grow Your Own!
Act 319 can offer some great property tax benefits for Bucks County farms, agricultural properties or larger wooded areas.
Act 319, also known as The Pennsylvania Farmland and Forest Land Act of 1974 provides landowners with a property tax reduction for managing their land as agricultural use, agricultural reserve, or forest reserve.
Some additional Bucks County Act 319 Information: The new assessment on the farm portion of the property is determined by the county tax assessment office.
Download Bucks County Act 319 BrochureWhat is Act 319?
Below are some facts you’ll need to know about Act 319:
- Applicant must own land
- An application must be filed by June 1 of the year preceding the first year of abatement
- 10 Acres minimum or $2,000 gross agricultural income
- Only land assessment is affected
- Land assessment is based on productivity of the soil / the land’s agricultural use value
- Act 319 assessment remains on property in perpetuity or until a change in use occurs
- Owner may include more than one deeded parcel under an application – parcels must be held in common ownership and must be contiguous
- Entire tax parcel must be enrolled in the program – no exclusions of any portion from any tax parcel are permitted.
These are known facts as of this writing and are for informational purposes. Please be sure to review any specific questions you may have with the county tax assessment office.
We’re here to help if you’re looking for a Home in Upper Bucks County with land that qualifies for Act 319.
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Learn More About Act 319 in Bucks County
Act 319 in Bucks County – The Pennsylvania Farmland and Forest Land Act of 1974 offers property tax reductions for agricultural or forest land use. The links below can help you find out if Act 319 is right for your property:
Link to Act 319 PDF on PA State Website
View Full text for Pennsylvania Act 319
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